one shared braincell

About | Chameleons

What's this for?

As we've navigated plural and alterhuman spaces after almost a decade away, we have had a hard time finding language, resources, and support for our experiences. We hope to consolidate what we've learned, what we've found, and what we're learning along the way, to be the resource that we needed when we first discovered our systemhood.

What you'll find here:

Always a work in progress, of course.

You'll also find an adults only section, which is only for adults. Don't go there if you're not a body age adult. It'll be there when you turn 18! Promise!

Who are you?

Three dogs in a trenchcoat.

What do you mean by "plurality round 1," or, "when you were plural before"?

While discovering us as Chameleons has been relatively new and quite frankly life altering, the experience of systemhood *in general* is not new to us.

For a solid 5 years we Chameleons were the host of a gateway system. Lotsa day trippers, but also lotsa people who stuck around. Mostly fictives, though some factives, and some brainmade concepts too. In 2015, we had a significant traumatic event that happened. That system went away. Those system members were not Chameleons, were not us, but were our system members all the same. And we thought we were one, so they treated us as one.

In 2023 and 2024, a series of life events got us to awaken to the reality that we are in fact Chameleons, and that "singular" host was actually multiple entities. Hence, "plurality round 1" being drastically different from our experiences as Chameleons now. Some of the members of that previous system have returned as a side system that we don't interact with very much. We are happy to have them, and we need you to understand that they are not Chameleons, but a different system. We don't even know if they're around 99% of the time to be honest.

Soon we'll have a link to an article where we tell you more about it. It's a work in progress now.


We're not a licensed clinician or expert. This site is about our own personal experiences and opinions.

Sometimes you'll see me use "I" and "we" interchangeably. The separations between us aren't always clear. Sometimes one pronoun makes more sense; other times, the other will make more sense.

It is not possible for me to incorporate language that includes the experiences of every being. Folks interpret words a little differently, depending on their own experiences. You'll notice that we'll use certain words interchangeably to try and compensate for this. Examples of words we might use interchangeably:

Regarding "body," we use "our body" exclusively. We know many others say "the body." Since we're not about assuming other folks identify as their bodies, we're not going to say things like "your body." You'll probably see us say something like:

Regarding "person," we use this to mean, "a being with sapience and therefore personhood." It is not synonymous with "human." I know there are folks out there who do not want to be called a person. You may see us switch up this word with something like "being" or "entity."
